Here at Direct Sourcing Ingredients Ltd, we are a happy bunch of people working hard since 2013 supplying the UK and European markets with various food ingredients. As a BRCGS certified supplier we bring reassurance of Quality, Service through our dedicated sales and sales support team, a relationship making our working lives more friendly and dedicated to each customer.
Food safety is our top priority. Our suppliers aspire to meet GFSI standards, ensuring quality, safe and hygienic products. We ensure our ingredients meet all legal requirements for their intended use. More information can be found in our food quality statement.
Our staff are supported to maintain an understanding of the current food safety standards applicable to our business. The leadership team takes responsibility for the management, monitoring and updating of our quality management system.
Our strong portfolio of products brings ease and flexibility to our customers, couple this with a firm focus on proactive and reactive NPD we work along side all our customers for todays needs and future aspirations.
Direct Sourcing is committed and always striving to identify and bring to market sustainable category solutions wherever possible.